Also known as: Chinese gooseberry
What it is: Flesh can be bright green or golden.
Where it grows: Can be grown in most temperate climates with adequate summer heat
Supposed benefits: A single kiwi is said to supply more than the normal daily adult requirement of vitamin C.

Also known as: Granada
What it is: Has around 600 seeds that can range from white to deep red
Where it grows: Native to the Mediterranean Middle East
Supposed benefits: Some studies suggest that the juice may contain almost three times the total antioxidants in green tea and red wine.

Also known as: Wolfberry
What it is: Red berries that are usually found dried
Where it grows: China, Mongolia and the Himalayas in Tibet
Supposed benefits: It contains carotenoids that act as antioxidants to protect the retina of the eye.

Also known as: Manggis
What it is: Has sweet-sour white flesh
Where it grows: Primarily in countries with a hot, humid climate such as Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, and Indonesia
Supposed benefits: Its rind contains xanthones, which are said to neutralise free radicals.

Also known as: Mossberry, fenberry
What it is: Berries, 6 to 18mm in size, turn deep red when ripe.
Where it grows: A major commercial crop in the United States and Canada
Supposed benefits: It is used to prevent or treat urinary tract infections.

Also known as: Cheese fruit, ach, mengkudu
What it is: Oval-shaped and prickly
Where it grows: Native to South-east Asia but now grows in India and the Pacific islands
Supposed benefits: The juice is said to be able to help reduce high blood pressure and relieve arthritic pain as it contains a high level of antioxidants.

Also known as: Palta, abacate
What it is: Egg shaped, green-brown on the outside and green-yellow on the inside
Where it grows: Long history of being cultivated in Central and South America
Supposed benefits: It contains healthy monounsaturated fat, which has been linked to a reduced risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

Also known as: Sandthorn, seaberry
What it is: Soft and juicy orange berries, 6 to 9mm in diameter
Where is grows: Native to Europe and Asia
Supposed benefits: It is said to boost the immune system as it is rich in vitamin C.

Also known as: Bleuet
What it is: Indigo berries, 5 to 16mm in diameter
Where it grows: Native to North America but also grown in Australia, New Zealand and South American countries
Supposed benefits: It is said to be an anti-ageing superstar that is loaded with antioxidants to improve vision and brain function.
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